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Last update: 06/25/2024 - 10:24
نسرين الشامي

Nisreen Alshami




Coach &Facilitator
I have been working in the field of training since 2006. 
A coach from Gallup and a trainer in visitor and employee experience, building professional character in the work environment, entrepreneurship, leadership, and women’s empowerment programs. 
Certified facilitator using the LEGO methodology.

I have cooperated with many governmental and international agencies to train their employees.

 I have trained more than 10,000 people and present media programmes. I design and present training programs that are characterized by innovation and professionalism for members of society and governmental and private agencies, to qualify and train cadres and entrepreneurs and develop capabilities with appropriate methodologies. To the needs and requirements, this is done by designing and adapting training tools to enable them to apply them directly to ensure high productivity and effective performance, and to draw a distinct and useful training experience by using exercises and activities or through interactive training game methodologies that give a broader depth in communicating information in a simplified and more exciting way, which stimulates the mind to think in a positive way. A creative, different angle so that the trainee comes out with conscious thought and effective tools that enable him to apply it, such as the Lego methodology